Friday, September 5, 2008

K...i'll dump it here..

Yesterday i was very happy when i meet and chat with my ex-schoolmates(Sri Murnian) late night..joking and fooling suddenly,freaking internet connection had problem!!I'm trying to connect it comes the sign of error in troubleshooting!!..but what to do!!?Gonna off lar!!....>fires burning out<....

After several minutes,i was lying on my bed and thinking that what my parents had told me that day..they wants me to continue studying in ""AUSTRALIA""...of course they agree to!!..but did they care my feelings!?..I could imagine that once they change me to be there,i'm like loosing all of my belongings here..(really can't understand why parents nowaday in this century so balia wan!!!)

Sorry..but i still had to say so...fine..don't know what to say already...i know you are not listening to me..i'm just like chatting with the god damm wall..!!!!
Luckly i could online today and dump my #x?/@%$ feelings remember.......>)we had to fcuk them off if they overpushing us to do things that we don't like..cause we must had our own freedom(<......

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